A sudden, yet preventable, death of a loved one can shake the entire household. If you lose a loved one due to another party’s unlawful actions, you need to pursue justice on their behalf. This is where a wrongful death lawsuit comes in.
Georgia statute allows the decedent’s family (spouse, children and parents) or estate representative to file a wrongful death claim. But for what damages can you use wrongful death compensation?
Understanding wrongful death compensation basics
Three types of damages are available in a wrongful death claim: economic, non-economic and punitive. Both economic and non-economic damages are designed to compensate the decedent’s family for their loss. Punitive damages, on the other hand, are rare and are usually awarded only in especially awful situations.
Here are some of the damages you can recover in a wrongful death claim:
Funeral and burial costs
Final expenses (funeral and burial or cremation costs) can run into thousands of dollars. Some of the funeral and burial expenses recoverable in a wrongful death claim include funeral home services, transportation, coffin, flowers and associated burial expenses.
Loss of financial support
If the decedent was a breadwinner, then you may sue for the lost financial support that they would have provided to the household. You may also sue for lost inheritance (what the decedent would have saved and passed down to their family).
Pain and suffering
Death also comes with grief and anguish. As such, you may seek non-economic damages following your loved one’s death. These include loss of consortium, pain and suffering and loss of guidance or instruction the decedent would have provided.
Death under any circumstance can be devastating. Find out how you can hold the liable party accountable following your loved one’s wrongful death.